What is medium voltage(MV) power cable?

Post time: Sep-14-2023   View: 2

The voltage range of medium voltage power cables is from 6kV to 33kV. They are primarily produced as part of power generation and distribution networks and are used in many applications such as utility, petrochemical, transportation, wastewater treatment, food processing, commercial and industrial markets.

Typically, they are widely used in systems with voltage ranges up to 36kV and play an integral role in power generation and distribution networks.

Structure and materials

Medium voltage power cable designs can come in different sizes and types. The structure is much more complex than that of low-voltage power cables.

The difference between medium voltage power cables and low voltage power cables lies not only in the way the cables are constructed, but also in the manufacturing process and raw materials.

In medium voltage power cables, the insulation process is very different from that of low voltage power cables, in fact:
· Medium voltage power cables consist of three layers instead of one - conductor shielding layer, insulating layer, insulating shielding layer.
·The medium voltage power cables insulation process is realized by using CCV lines instead of traditional horizontal extruders.
· Even if the name of the insulation material is the same as that of low-voltage power cables (such as XLPE), but the raw materials themselves will be different to ensure a purer insulation material.
·Metallic shielding layer is commonly used in the construction of medium voltage power cables and is specialized in low voltage power cables for specific purposes.

structure of lv and mv power cable

Common malfunctions

Low-quality power cables increase failure rates and put power supply to end users at greater risk.

The reasons are primarily due to premature aging of cable infrastructure and poor underlying quality of splices or cable termination systems, resulting in reduced reliability or operational efficiency.

Cable aging typically affects cable insulation by reducing electrical resistance, which is a key indicator of defects including moisture or air pockets, water treeing, electrical treeing and other issues. Additionally, isolation layer can be affected by age, increasing the risk of reaction or corrosion that could cause problems in later use.

Choosing high-quality, well-tested power cables can extend their service life and can reduce maintenance or replacement cycles and avoid unnecessary downtime.


Medium voltage power cables are an important part of power generation and distribution networks. As global demand for medium voltage power cables grows, compliance with industrial cable standards becomes increasingly important. Low-quality power cables increase failure rates, which can jeopardize the success of power application projects. In order to protect your project, you should always look for high-quality medium voltage power cable equipment and materials suppliers to continuously improve the quality of your power cables and continuously improve your customer satisfaction.