Algeria sets its Sights on Solar Energy

Post time: Dec-30-2021   View: 13

Finally, we receive this wonderful news, we have waited a long time, too long time, but now, we have this happy ending concerning this very beautiful love story between this wonderful land and this splendid star, yes, it's official, the news has just fallen, Algeria and the sun are going to get married in 2022, it was really time for this romance to finally come true, yes it was really time to celebrate this beautiful wedding.

Solar Cable

(Solar Cable)

What is this introduction? Why this introduction? Any reader who will begin to read this article will surely ask these questions. I would answer that this introduction to this article is the most beautiful and the most significant to illustrate this new initiative of the Algerian government which finally decides to invest in a concrete and above all sustainable way to do everything. necessary to exploit this tremendous wealth which is solar energy, this invaluable treasure that Algeria possesses.
This initiative that everyone had been hoping for a long time finally sees the end of the tunnel in a concrete way and above all with the firm intention of lasting over time.
This is the first time that Algeria, this immense country due to its surface area of 2.382 million km² and with an exceptional rate of sunshine throughout the year With 3,000 hours of average annual sunshine, seems determined to move towards this new energy, the resource of which is not lacking, on the contrary, it is more than available.
Making our sun profitable is therefore the new slogan of the Algerian government to finally take advantage of this invaluable resource which was unfortunately not at all or at best very little exploited, because it is important to know that the Algeria continues until now to produce 99% of its electrical energy needs from enormous quantities of gas drawn from its soil as well as certain water resources, which constitutes an aberration when we know the great potential of Algeria in capacities. of solar energy and that needs to be exploited .


Indeed, Algeria, given its geographical position, has one of the highest solar fields in the world. On the whole of the national territory, the global solar energy received per day on a horizontal surface of one square meter varies between 5.1 KWh in the North and 6.6 KWh in the Great South according to the latest studies by professionals in the field. The potential is really huge. A few years ago, and more exactly in the early 1990s, Algeria certainly initiated timid attempts in this area as an experiment, with small projects affecting a few small-scale villages located on the territory. of southern Algeria, in order to be supplied 100% by photovoltaic cell installations for their electrical energy needs, but unfortunately, this experience was not followed up, the officials concerned at the time did not perceive the value of the treasure they had in their hands.
Fortunately, now, this vision has changed radically, indeed, the Algerian Ministry of Energy Transition and Renewable Energies, intends to produce to start and this from the beginning of the year 2022, nearly 1,000 Mega Watts (MW) of solar energy to begin with, with a view to quickly and significantly reducing dependence on fossil energy sources produced by gas in particular and at the same time, to preserve the environment and move towards the economy green like all developed countries in Europe, Asia and America; this is a major and vital issue.
In this context, it should be noted that an official decree signed by the President of the Algerian Republic in person was issued at the end of the year 2021 and which makes mandatory the replacement in the next two years of all the networks of public lighting powered by conventional electricity by solar-powered lighting networks. Not only all the large agglomerations of the Algerian territory such as Algiers, Oran, Constantine, Sétif, but in addition, are concerned by this project, also all the other cities of medium and small scale as well as all the villages as small as they are. are affected by this new measure.
And that's not all, in addition to the lighting of all the towns and villages of the whole Algerian territory, all the roads and highways of the country, all the schools, universities, hospitals as well as all public administrations, all its structures will have to be lit using solar energy to replace conventional energy.
It is really a grandiose and very ambitious project that Algeria intends to undertake and concretely carry out from the new year 2022 and colossal means will have to be made available for this.
A lot of qualified personnel in this field, a lot of equipment and accessories such as solar panels but also and above all very large quantities of solar cables.
All these achievements will require the production of several million km of solar cables of different sections and several million units of solar panels to guarantee the supply of electrical energy produced by the sun to all these installations and structures spread over the immense territory. Algerian.
Precisely and in this context, visitors to the national production fair which took place from December 13 to December 25 at the Algiers exhibition center were able to realize the enthusiasm of many investors. for this new field, many participants in this fair clearly displayed their intentions to produce solar panels and especially solar cables.
In view of all this new dynamic initiated in Algeria, LINT TOP CABLE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD, due to its great experience in the field of solar energy, wants to be a strong and serious partner for any investor wishing to get into this field. .
Indeed, LINT TOP CABLE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD can not only provide high quality equipment necessary for the manufacture of all types of solar cables, namely drawing machines, stranding machines, tinning lines and extrusion lines, but also all the equipment necessary for the production of the other accessories necessary for these solar networks and also and of course as usual, the customers of LINT TOP CABLE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD will be able to count on the necessary technical support for all their projects.