The Inspection of Bobbin’s Quality

Post time: May-25-2017   View: 1182

In may 2017, our Algeria customers and our engineer carried out a inspection of double layer high speed bobbin. We mainly inspect the bobbin from these aspects: the size, the outer appearance, dynamic balance, the weight, welding process and etc. This series of bobbin are usually used for cables, steel, copper rand aluminum wires. About the machines, it is used for drawingstranding and bunching machines. Our Algeria customers are satisfied with a inspection result and signed the acceptance report. Customer satisfaction is our consistent aim.

Double-Layer-High-Speed-Bobbin(Double Layer High Speed Bobbin)

The double layer high speed bobbin which purchased by our Algeria customer are just one of our whole types. We also have the corrugated bobbin which can used for cable, rope, stranded conductors. As for flat high speed bobbin, the dynamic balance speed  can reach 25-50m per second. All these perfect performances are obtained through strict test.

Lint Top has first class production line and complete inspection facilities to meet our customers, requirements. Lint Top has gone one stage further by joining exhibitions and cooperating with our customers. If you need the bobbin, you can contact with us. If you need other equipments for the bobbin, you can still contact with us through