A Bright Future of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Cables

Post time: Feb-11-2022   View: 1

While it was, when it was discovered a long time ago, the most expensive metal in the world, aluminum is found today with a value and at a price significantly lower than that of copper, i.e. approximately one third of the price as indicated each time by the London Metal Exchange for example.

On the other hand, and given that Aluminum is a very good conductor of electricity, these two aspects seem to weigh heavily now and in a very sensitive way in the thinking of users of electric cables in Algeria and Africa and elsewhere. worldwide, to replace copper cables with aluminum and aluminum alloy cables.

For example, the Algerian national electricity distribution company SONELGAZ, which is the first instance in the country in terms of innovation and acceptance of new products in the field of electricity, has decided to join concretely to this vision.

Indeed, we note that the decision-makers and managers of this field in Algeria are beginning to act to gradually replace copper cables in all low-voltage, medium-voltage and high-voltage electrical transmission and distribution installations, with copper cables. aluminum and aluminum alloy.

Certainly, the electrical conductivity of aluminum compared to the electrical conductivity of copper is about 61%, therefore, the aluminum section will be almost twice as large as the copper section, therefore more restrictive to set up , this is certainly a disadvantage for aluminum cables compared to copper cables for the same section necessary for the passage of the same current intensity, this is clear, this being so, it is also necessary to consider that the weight of the aluminum is about 30% less than the weight of copper and this for the same need, which is a significant advantage.

Lightness of weight is therefore indeed a very important quality of aluminium. This quality has made aluminum cables the most used cables in projects where the total construction weight is an important aspect in Europe and Asia and is starting to be in Africa continent.

With the fact that the cost price of an aluminum cable is much lower than the cost price of copper cables, aluminum cables therefore become very attractive, both for producers and for users.

Aluminum cables are therefore well on their way to dethroning copper cables from the place they occupy in the field of transport and distribution of electrical energy.

ABC cables are a perfect example, the demand for this type of cable has only grown in Algeria in recent years and now it is the turn of the U 1000 R2V copper cable which gives way to U1 cables. 000 AR2V in aluminium.
Sonelgaz, the Algerian energy industrial group, specializing in the production, distribution and marketing of electricity has finalized all the necessary approvals for these cables and has started by setting up a process of gradual replacement in its network, of the electric cables in copper by aluminum and aluminum alloy electrical cables.

It is more than certain that all the countries of North Africa and also the countries further south of Africa will certainly follow this dynamic to generalize aluminum cables in their transport and distribution networks.

Electrical energy, as is already done on other continents and has been for several years now.

In this specific context, LINT TOP CABLE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. has great sales references around the world in terms of production equipment and also test equipment for all ranges of aluminum and aluminum alloy cables.

The production tool of LINT TOP CABLE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD is indeed of the best possible quality and is very efficient, namely: Aluminum (Alloy)) Rod Breakdown Machine, Rigid Frame Strander with Independent Driven System, Bow Twister, Planetary Strander , High Speed Insulation Extrusion Line--Sheathing Extrusion Line, Trolley Type Heat and Aging Furnace Aluminum Alloy Wires Annealing Furnace etc... as well as all necessary test equipment.

Aluminum (Alloy)) Rod Breakdown Machine

Aluminum (Alloy)) Rod Breakdown Machine

High Speed Insulation Extrusion Line.

High Speed Insulation Extrusion Line.

Rigid Frame Strander

Rigid Frame Strander

Besides all this, LINT TOP CABLE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. is one of the world's leading providers of complete solutions for aluminum recycling.

Aluminum can be recycled 100%, and an infinite number of times. Recycled aluminum has the same physical properties as primary aluminum.

Our Aluminum (Alloy) Rod Continuous Casting and Rolling Lines, recycling lines with crushing and separation etc.. are the optimum solution for processing and recycling aluminum and aluminum alloy scrap and producing aluminum wire rod and in aluminum alloy with a diameter of 9.5 mm, which perfectly meets the requirements of the standards in force and which is used for the manufacture of very high quality aluminum and aluminum alloy cables.

The future of aluminum and aluminium alloy cables looks bright, LINT TOP CABLE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD will help make it as bright as possible.